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Everything posted by mark1985

  1. Don’t lie. Your name is Pavel and you’re from Warsaw. You’re about as Welsh as my left toe
  2. I’ve got a Welsh name? So I’ll throw my hat in the ring. It’s more qualifications than most of the previous holders of the title for the last few centuries
  3. He should do it for the banter. Or call himself Andrew. To really **** his brother off. Or in the style of the old Saxon kings, King Andrew the Sweaty has a ring to it.
  4. He can choose his own name? What’s stopping him from going for Kevin or Clive or Thanos or something?
  5. Bet Andrews got a sweat on. Don’t think he’s ever kissed someone that old.
  6. I was sure him and Dorries where up to some kinky **** but wasn’t expecting that
  7. At least you lot are getting a day off out of this. Muggins over here gets nothing (cue shouldn’t have faffed of to Boston, something about tea, yadda yadda yadda)
  8. ‘No way is one reading out this bobbins again. Get ones son to do it. No not the paedo, the one who talks to flowers’
  9. To be fair she is 96 mate. No matter how good your genes are or what kind of life you’ve had, that’s a good innings in anyones books. So any kind of physical downturn at that age will raise concerns
  10. It’s the inherited wealth that I (and many others) have a problem with. If you work hard, pay all your taxes etc etc etc most people are fine if you earn decent money. They are rich literally because of who their family is (yes, I know this applies to many other non royal families too). Many people get a little money when family members die but very few of us get even more access to obscene wealth, a few more palaces and to be head of state when a parent dies.
  11. Very true. In this case, do you think it’s fair that the royal family are so wealthy? If so, why?
  12. A lot of people aren’t though are they? Or at least ambivalent towards it or just don’t think about it. Do you think it’s fair that they have that much money?
  13. I’m all for a society when the only thing that we are judged on is our actions (with the obvious caviats that no one is left to starve on the streets etc and we all have a minimum standard when it comes to quality of life). We all the same opportunity to succeed (all have the same access to the tools like access to a good education, health, a roof over your head, food etc) so it really will be down to hard work and talent. But that’s not how it works. The whole ‘some people are born on 3rd base and think they’ve schooled a home run’ is so true. And then these people are fawned over by people who have little to nothing.
  14. Whilst I have no problem with most of them as people (with some notable exceptions) I have a big problem with the institution of monarchy. No one is better than me purely because of who their dad is/was or who their grandad is/was or the fact that their ancestor 1000 was a little tougher/luckier/richer than mine or in the right place at the right time or had the right friends or whatever.
  15. How can you be so certain? Lots of other countries have got rid of their monarchies in the last 100/150 years or at least made them a lot more minor. The monarch of England in one centuries time (so 2122) almost certainly hasn’t even been born yet so even 1 century is a long time
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