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Everything posted by NotSoSpecialOne

  1. There's a big watch party on my street tonight; they were setting up a projector screen and everything for it. Got a feeling this is more of the time honoured Aussie tradition of any old excuse to get on the **** rather than out of any reverance from the monarchy though.
  2. I don't possess an intimate enough knowledge of Germany to be able comment on that, in fairness. So I'll double back to the original examples and re-iterate that there's a pretty observable difference between the two.
  3. Isn't that kind of the point though? Trump wasn't bad just strictly from a governance perspective but because there also exists no separation between the symbolic weight that comes with being head of state and the executive role. In the UK, the executive role doesn't also carry the symbolic weight so your Trump-esque cult of personality and all that has entailed and continues to entail are less likely. Now personally I don't think that even comes to close being able to justify a monarchy in my eyes and this sort of separation can probably be achieved by other means (and has) but its still a benefit there of and a significant difference between the two names floated.
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