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Create friends as managers and players


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As it is a very complex game to play a long game with other players, I decided to create my friends as managers and players. And it turned out that the game became more interesting, and more attractive, by following the trajectory of these managers and players created by me, while I lead my team.

But a problem arises and it is that these managers in three or four seasons go to unemployment and the teams lose interest in them, these managers stop being competitive in a great majority, only some manage to be competitive and continue counting and being hired by teams .

I'm doing a lot of testing and a lot of changes to try to change this, but I can't. I would like you to take this into account for the next edition of Football Manager and in this way a new possibility opens up to make the game more fun and more interesting.

I attach the last file that I have created with this type of managers.

1 Managers Amigos V 14.54.xml 1 Managers Amigos V 15.54.xml

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I have observed that I cannot assign a representative to each one of the managers that I have created, it is possible that if I could assign them a representative, or if they could hire one, after starting the game, maybe I would change their work history.

It would be very interesting if the two possibilities were considered, being able to assign a representative when it is created in the editor, or that once they acquire a life of their own within the game they can achieve it or not of their own free will.

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