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FM10: Multi Tutoring

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I recently discovered something that may interest those of you still playing FM10: it's possible to have your experienced players tutor multiple prospects at the same time.

To do this you have to go the Interaction page in the profile of the players you want tutored and select your preferred tutor as the Linked Player and click "State that you see Experienced player X as an ideal role model for young player Y". Once you've done this (without clicking on confirm!) you go back trough each of these players' profiles and click on the interaction screen where you were previously and this time click confirm for every one of them.

You will get an equivalent amount of messages to the number of players you have chosen to tutor. And when you click continue you get the confirmation messages for every one of the players you have chosen to tutor.

I haven't tested it much but both of the players tutored by Motta showed signs of improvement in their personality: one went from 17 to 18 Determination and the other from Volatile to Level-headed Media Handling Style so I imagine that the influence of the tutor doesn't differ whether he is tutoring one or more players. If someone can prove or disprove this please do so. I can also provide screenshots if anyone is interested.

Note 1: I haven't played FM11, but I imagine this option is not available anymore now the tutoring is started with a private chat with the tutor.

Note 2: While this feature may not be what the developers intended, I don't see why it would be wholly unrealistic. A real-life manager could tell multiple of his young players to follow one experienced player and learn from him (for example Ferguson could tell his young centrebacks to follow Vidic or Ferdinand's actions on the pitch).

Note 3: I did a couple of searches on this and nothing came up that was exactly like this, but if it has come up before I apologise.

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I'd be interesting to see if this made tutoring less effective over the long run.

That was my initial fear, but the results so far have been encouraging, with both players tutored by Marco Motta showing similar signs of improvement when they were pretty close to his personality already (they are now both Determined with Level-headed as Media Handling Style while Motta is Professional with Level-Headed as MHS and 18 for Determination). They still have some way to go to match his personality, but hopefully they can fill that gap in the remaining three months. :)

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I don't think you have to worry about less effective tutoring, it sounds like you've hit upon a scenario SI didn't envisage - it doesn't sound like it's supposed to be possible and is an abuse of the 'back' and 'continue' buttons so I expect the game treats each tutor-tutee relationship as a seperate entity and therefore the tutoring is as effective as if done normally. I guess for the sake of purity it is a cheat but, hey, it's up to you how you play and it's a great find. I guess it's fairly realistic that 1 player could tutor more than one player, I have a coaching mentor in real-life and I know he has other mentorees and I don't think multiple mentorees detracts from the quality of mentoring we each receive.

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I don't think you have to worry about less effective tutoring, it sounds like you've hit upon a scenario SI didn't envisage - it doesn't sound like it's supposed to be possible and is an abuse of the 'back' and 'continue' buttons so I expect the game treats each tutor-tutee relationship as a seperate entity and therefore the tutoring is as effective as if done normally. I guess for the sake of purity it is a cheat but, hey, it's up to you how you play and it's a great find. I guess it's fairly realistic that 1 player could tutor more than one player, I have a coaching mentor in real-life and I know he has other mentorees and I don't think multiple mentorees detracts from the quality of mentoring we each receive.

Spot on with my interpretation of it.

Good find. Don't try 'piggy-back' tutoring though. It is possible to set players, 'A' tutors 'B' tutors 'C' if done at the same time, but when I tried it nobody learned a thing and I effectively wasted 18 months worth of tutoring. :( (FM10er)

Did the 'piggy-back' some time ago, I think I did stop because I found the results unsatisfactory.

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