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  • I Do Not Know an Opposing Manager, the Press Demands a Proper Answer

    • Public Status: Under Review Files Uploaded: None

    "Can you speak about the relationship between you and ___________" does not seem to take into account the actual relationship status that is provided as a resource when the question is asked. I recognize that chatting directly with other coaches is rare and this question requires a bit of imagination when a relationship does exist or you've at least managed against each other a few times, but for relationships categorized as "none," I think any answer other than the neutral "I don't know him but I respect him as a head coach and hope to get to know him more" is an awkward response to give. I think an answer discordant with the relationship status would potentially hurt a relationship with another coach. It is too bad because in lieu of an established relationship, this neutral answer for this question is actually a fair, well-written response and a great option to have.

    The specific scenario I am currently in really accentuates the inappropriateness of any other answer (screenshot included) during this press conference. I am an American manager who was hired by Blackburn just a few days prior. This is my first job in England and my first pre-match presser; I have not yet managed a single game in the country and have not faced or dealt with a vast majority of its managers in any capacity. The press nonetheless asks me what my relationship is with Rotherham manager Paul Hurst and I can see there is "none," which makes complete sense. I provided the "neutral" answer, the entire press became neutral or expressionless, and the question was reiterated despite there not being another appropriate response to give. The overall reaction to the press conference ended up being slightly negative because of my response to this question.

    With the relationship status being listed as "none" during the presser and having just landed in England days prior, I feel expressing publicly that I either enjoy every time we get to have a chat, have a philosophically-driven friendship with him, that he reciprocates a respect I happen to have for him, or that we stay out of each other's way would easily be taken as dishonest by the opposing manager, and probably sort of weird if we are being honest. Realistically, I think any other answer in this specific scenario would move the relationship status to "distant," or, if it existed, "deeply confused." It is also probably far from a scenario where the press or public would insist a more substantive relationship must exist, especially when the neutral answer matches the relationship status and doesn't come across as particularly evasive. If the neutral answer as written IS to be taken as the avoidant answer regardless of relationship status, then perhaps an option akin to "I am a fan of his work" should exist in addition to waxing poetic about our friendship and calling him out WWE-style.

    Thanks guys, appreciate all that you do.



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    • Administrators

    Do you have a save file around the time of this question we could use to investigate? But thank you for the spot, I'll pass this up the chain for investigation. 


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