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  • Fellow Players - Provide as much evidence of bugs as possible PKM, Rec Files, Saved games

    • Public Status: Info Provided Files Uploaded: None

    Fellow players I know there's a lot of issues with this years game (some could say there's been issues for a number of years now) anyway when players post of these forums it is important to send the SI team as much proof as possible of the issue surrounding your game.

    The amount of posts and there's no PKM or no saved game or no rec file is quite high in my opinion. There's no point in saying something in the game is wrong but not providing evidence. In order for bugs to be fixed the SI team need as many examples and proof of what the issue is. 

    I take on board that there are players on these forums that have provided evidence, whether or not SI have fixed the issues I cannot say but we as players just need to continue to flag up bugs and provide evidence. Personally I have flagged up the same few issues countless times and will continue to do so until SI come out and say "sorry but we don't know how to fix the issue that you're flagging up"

    I love FM but this year's game is proving to be challenging because of the bugs and the fact that they don't seem to be rectified as per updates, if anything the updates in the game cause more bugs than the previous version. That I can't get my head around, the full point of a update to me is to have made improvements in the game, not to make it worse. Anyway I'm going off on a rant, so yeah please just provide SI with as many examples and evidence as possible of the bugs you encounter in the game and fingers crossed that these bugs with be fixed.

    Here's how to add the pkm: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-add-pkms-rec-files-and-crash-dumps-files-to-posts-r579/

    Here's how to upload files: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/


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    • SI Staff

    With all things ME related the more examples the better. We'd rather you drown us in a 1000 pkm's of an issue than 10,000 screenshots of match stats etc because ultimately we need to see how things are playing out in the ME.

    In terms of a fix in one place causing a problem elsewhere, it's simply the nature of anything involving complex calculations. It will always be a possibility and some times one issue can't be fixed with the first identified fix due to subsequent issues it causes.

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