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Names Database


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Sorry if this is anywhere below, but I've had a good look and can't find it.

I seem to remember that, quite some while back, you could specify the names a certain nation would assign. Is there any way to do that now? There doesn't seem to be in the editor, that I can spot at the very least.

Thanks for the help!

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So, I've had a play in the xml of the editor, and I've managed to add the 'person name' selection on the left hand column, get all the search columns showing, but I've not managed to get it to point at the right database yet.

If anyone has any tips or knows the code for this, I'd be really grateful!

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Person name ist not activated in the editor. You can't add names to the database that way, but hopefully with one of the next editors.

The only way so far is to add tons of non-players like officials with specific names. The game will use some of them to generate newgens.

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