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Manageable Teams

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In the Game Status page there's an option called Manageable Teams with a dropdown list of all the leagues loaded into the game, with the default selection as "All". I've looked for this in the manual and I'm not really sure what it means - does it mean you'll only get job offers from the selected league or does it have something to do with game performance?

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I think it is more of use for multi player games so that the person hosting the game can limit where people can start managing. I imagine if you alter it for a single player game though that you won't get job offers or even have the opportunity to apply for jobs in the unselected leagues - would kind of make sense, but doesn't make any common sense for single player because you can just choose not to apply for jobs you don't want or reject them anyway if they are offered!

Edit: Re game performance I imagine the effect is negligable as job offers don't really add much to that, unlike selecting a whole league which has to be simulated. The job page does tend to take a long time to load though so maybe that would be faster...dunno.

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