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Why such a terrible 3 out of 10?

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Just played this match and I dont get how someone can get such a low rating his rating was 5 when I subbed him off and then at the final whistle it was a 3 I mean thats pthetic how does it happen? He didnt even make a mistake for the goal because there was no goal for them lol. What am I missing?



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You had, if we ignore the corner cheat you've got going on, 5 attempts on goal of which he had five and got one on target. Very very wasteful. Plus his ability to win headers (that he got most of) was non-existance.

So he can't score, can't head, can't tackle and doesn't appear happy to pass either.

Have you signed Jermaine Defoe?? :)

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A defender having 5 shots doesn't automatically means its the corner routine. Sure, he could have had 1 or 2 shots from a corner, but may also be a Pen Taker, Free Kick Taker, put forward for Attacking Free Kicks or have long shots on. Don't assume the worst in people.

of which he had five and got one on target
If you look closely, you'll notice he only had 4 shots. Not 5. He also didn't get "most" of the headers. Nordtveit attempted 19 headers, while Ganea only attempted 14.

I cant quite see why hes got a 3. The only thing I can think of is due to him having 94% stamina still, perhaps he just sat atop the field waiting for the ball, and then not really doing much with it when he had it?

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Have you signed Defoe that made me laugh. Fresi takes the freekicks and is up on all attacking freekicks thats where the shots come from. He must have just stood there and done nothing for all the time he was on the field I thought he was supposed to be a good player he was better than this last time. I fined him 2 weeks wages and now he hates me I think.

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If you look closely, you'll notice he only had 4 shots. Not 5.

I know it was a slip of the brain. It happens a lot at my age.

And I meant most of the headers which are likely to be shots on goal coming from a forward and therefore as a forward he was pretty pants which might explain an otherwise inexplicable low rating.

Wow what a run-on sentence that was. Anyway, as per usual I was being my usual unclear self. I suffer from thinking a thing out entirely, writing a few bits, and assuming you've all connected the dots in my head.



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