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Re-training players for a new position

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I've been training my hot prospect DL for the WBL position since more than a season now. Very slowly it improved from awkkward to competent first, than to accomplished. I was happy with accomplished and stopped his training. Only 1 week later it dropped back to competent, then I had to re-train him for another 3 months until it went up to accomlished. My question is, do I have to keep training him in that position for it not to drop back? If I stop training him in that position, is it going to drop back to nothing eventually?


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That really s..cks then. What if I want to train him for ML as well? There are players in the original DB that are accomplished in like 4-5 different positions. But the newgens are never like that. They can play only in 1-2 positions, and if what you're saying is true that means you can add only 1 more position to it.

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