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Scouting knowledge

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Does a scout's knowledge of a nation have any bearing on how accurate he is at profiling a player?

For instance, say there is a Dutch youth playing in the Netherlands. If all I want to do is having a scout get a report card on him, would I get essentially the same result assigning a 20/20 scout with full Holland knowledge to him than I would a 20/20 with no Holland knowledge? Also, what if I ask for a 3 game report, will the one with knowledge of the league he is playing in do a better job? And is it better to have a scout with knowledge of the same nation as a player plays for internationally? Or does scout knowledge only determine how effectively and efficiently a scout can come up with a list of players within that nation?

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it is..but for some reason when assigning players to scouts I've always tried to match up the nationality and nation the player is playing in with the scout's knowledge, did it without realizing..was wondering if it held any advantage, but it seems not.

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