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FM 09 - A fine game

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After completing my exams for this year I decided I'd once again dabble in football manager after giving it a long break. I initially played FM 08 and enjoyed it as much as always but was more and more intrigued by FM 09, with the new 3D match engine.

On this forum, the general impression I got of the game was one of it being a bit of a failure, people playing out of habit rather than real addicted enjoyment. This influenced me to try the demo initially rather than just purchase the game like I normally would. I should have had more faith :D

The 3D match engine is excellent! It retains the random, realistic nature of the 2D match engine, something I found very difficult to imagine, having a little bit of computer programming background. I think it's a real feat, something to be congratulated. I certainly look forward to it being built upon in future versions.

I also like something that seems to be disliked by many people, the new, greater influence of tactics. I like the way closing off matches and chasing deficiets have been given much more importance in FM 09. Slight tweaking of mentality, width, tempo etc, together with formation can really be crucial to success or failure. Maybe to some people this is annoying, but I enjoy the higher level of realism, although the game is now slower, but I think, a more measured experience. I think the tweaking of these properties is like a carefully planned game plan for different events that could happen in a match, e.g. "if we go behind we...", "if we get 2 in front we...".

One thing I'm not much for is the post/pre match interviews. The questions are virtually identical and the result of the feature seems very inconsequential. I believe it could be improved upon by simply creating a lot more questions. I mean a bank of 10,000 questions kind of territory! This would make the feature more challenging with obscure questions posing a real challenge to manage.

In summary, as in the title, a fine game, a large step to more realism but I wonder if the realism vs. playability balancing act may be falling to much on the realism side for some players.

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Its been said that fun is being taken out of the game in search for realism, i remain on the fence. IMO FM09 is the best yet and whilst it may be slower to play, i feel that gives me a chance to look at things in more detail rather than skipping over things. One last thing, dont pay too much notice to what you read on here about the game being slated. They only seem a high proportion as the ones that are enjoying the game are doing just that, enjoying and playing the game whilst the ones that aren't will inevitably end up on here to voice their two penneth.

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It was certainly a shaky start, but after 9.3 I think it's really very good. Still the odd blip - occasional long-range headed own goals for example - but no more than on 08.

I've only really got addicted to a couple of my saveed games. The first one I played as Newcastle, started on 9.1 patch, and keep going back to it. And yes, it's much slower; I'm only up to 2018! I also started a Leeds game in which I edited them to Man City type finances just to see how easy L1 would be. The answer is 112 points and 130 goals scored, but for some reason I actually enjoyed it, so will definitely be playing in the Championship. I usually get bored of those type of saves.

For that game I also gave a couple of BSP teams the same level of cash, but they haven't gone up, which I think shows more flaws in the AI's "I".

Glad you're enjoying it, though. I'm looking forward to FM10 in the hope they build on the good work here.

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I think the main problem with peoples low opinion of the game was the issues with registration and actually being able to play the game at the beginning of the launch.

Personally I can't say I've quite had the usual addiction to it as previous versions but I do feel it is a very good game and the 3D match engine is definately the future for me.

SI certainly have an issue with how hard some people find it though as ultimately you want a game that alot of people will play and enjoy. I love the way the game is challenging and even as an experienced player you still can get problems and issues rather than just the usual 'play the game long enough and you will be fantastic' that is the norm for most games.

However I do sometimes get the impression that the game has trouble keeping new players interesed in it long enough.

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