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No Logos Loading


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I'm sorry to be that guy, but I've tried everything and read all of the FAQ's and other things here. Nothing is working.

I downloaded a big logos pack and had to create a "logos" folder so I now have this setup: Data(D:) > Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2017 > graphics > logos

I extracted all the images and copied them to the above folder location. I next went into my game, chose Preferences > More Interface Settings and clicked on Clear Cache. I then went back to the same section and ticked Reload skin when confirming changed in Preferences. 

Then nothing. I haven't even got the old original logos anymore. I've tried clicking on reload skin, restarting the game, restarting my pc, ticking and unticking "use caching to decrease page loads". At one point I noticed that my game was installed on my C: drive and I used Steam to move it my D: drive to match where my Documents are but nothing is working.

Please help! :onmehead:

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- First move the added graphics out of the graphics folder, and then load the game and see if the default logos are back.

- If they are then check from where you downloaded the logos from to see what instructions were provided, if it was a megapack or one in parts then it may need installing in a certain order to work.

- If they are no special instructions then copy back one league/nation at a time and check that they work, then repeat until the logos disappear or until everything is working.

- If they aren't working after adding just one league, then if you are running windows 10 and don't use it try turning onedrive off, otherwise you can follow the instructions in this thread to try moving your User Data Location and try putting it in a simpler location such as D:\fm17 and then copy your logos into the graphics folder inside that location.

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Thank you for the reply!

I moved the graphics out and got the default logos back, so we were able to start afresh....

Went back to the site I downloaded them from and checked the instructions and there weren't anything special mentioned.

I then tried copying one league at a time and as soon as I do that I lose all the logos again. I tried downloading an alternative logos pack and again some issues.

Unfortunately I use OneDrive so I'm not able to turn that off. I've given up for now and will stick with the default logos. I'll try you last point later tonight :)

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Am having the same issue, I redownloaded football manager 2017 for my new laptop. Copied over all my files ect from my PC that did work. Start a new game on the laptop and the logos/badges don't work. The kits have changed but the logos haven't. The logos are in the folder they're supposed to be in and like your good self I've cleared the cache several times and tried to load new skin. Still nothing :(

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Have you extracted the logos? Checked to make sure the config files are with the logos and correctly reference the files? Checked that you haven't managed to duplicate a config file in the wrong place?

If you have downloaded a megapack then check it doesn't have any special instructions. If you have downloaded several packs make sure none of them conflict. Also check the folder paths and where possible try to use simple short (lowercase a-z 0-9 - and _ characters only) names as using other characters can sometimes cause problems.

If none of that works then;

- Move all graphics out of your User Data Location, manually delete your cache files and move the files back.

- If that doesn't work move all the graphics out again, manually delete your cache files and then move back one pack/folder at a time testing to make sure they work each time until you find the broken pack or everything is copied back and working.

- If that doesn't work then try moving your User Data Location to a simple location on the root of one of your hard drives e.g. C:\FM17

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I've managed to get mine working - not sure if it'll help but I'll let you know what I did.

So I've got a laptop with a SSD and a separate normal hard drive for storage. Before getting FM I had redirected my documents, music, photos, etc to to my normal hard drive which was letter D. I installed most games and everything onto that as it's got the larger space and not all of them needed the performance of the SSD. With my documents being on my D: drive and even with FM being on my C: drive or on the same drive I just couldn't get the logos to appear.

I decided to try restore my Documents back to it's default of the windows C: drive and copied all the logos over and it worked! I tried a couple different logo packs and they all worked after moving My Documents back to the default location. So I'm not sure if there's something in the code of where it looks for logos, but it didn't like it when My Documents weren't in their default location.

Good luck!


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