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FM11: Ahoj's Regen Facepack


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I really hate those regen pics, espescially when they play for my team. I could just turn them off but well, I'm a person who really likes to have all the kits, faces, logos etc in my game, so I decided to make a facepack for my regens.

About the facepack:

So the facepack is made in the df'10 style. So something about faces now, all these regen faces are really footballers, who play in lower divisions 2/3 tier or in u-18 teams. Most propably you wont find these players, and if you do find the same player then well let's say he's very similiar to him. The first facepack contains 20 faces (2 GKs in it), also there's a config file to make them work.


Ok so after you unzip the file put the folder in :

" Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/graphics "

When we paste it there, the only thing you'll need is to get your Regen's ID. You can get your players unique ID by some editing program, or by going to game preferences -> display & sound -> tick Show IDs.

For example our regens ID is 2023107674, and the face we want for him is the 2nd face in the facepack - 2.png so we change the file name to our ID - 2023107674.png then we need to edit the config file. A config file is in the folder, we need to open the file with WordPad (is already in Windows) or another XML editor. Then we just need to change the default ID's to our regens, in our example it would be like this:

<record from="2023107674" to="graphics/pictures/person/2023107674/portrait"/>

Then save changes in our config file.

And here's our result:


Another example:


Download link:



If you'll have any problems with it keep me informed, I'll try to help. Also if you have any requests about some regen face please write about it, and I'll include it in some future pack.

Any feedback appreciated :).

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