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Posts posted by PJHoutman88

  1. 9642899898b524e0b5c7c6873c259812.png


    I suppose this is more a feature request rather than just feedback, but still:

     Would it be possible to add why dressing room atmosphere has gone down? Maybe as a tool tip when you hover over the down arrow? Right now it just says there has been a decrease in dressing room atmosphere, but I'm pretty sure even an 8-year old could work that out from the red arrow pointing downward. I know it's very likely to be due to my three losses in a row just now, but before this I had 4 wins in a row and it still went down. No reason given. 

    This is my first FM18 game so it remains to be seen exactly how disastrous this will be for the team, but I'd still like to see exactly why things are moving in an upward or downward direction. 

  2. Here's a quick question, hoping someone can answer. It concerns FM17 (but might be the same in FM18, idk):

    When training Defensive Full Back, it focuses on fewer attributes than training Full Back (Defensive Full Back trains 7 attributes, Full Back trains 15). I'm labouring under the assumption that individual training distributes any added CA gain over the focused attributes. Does this mean training DFB produces a bigger net gain (for the attributes focused on) than training FB would? 

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