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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


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    23, Scottish


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    Football and music

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  1. Hi, I really don’t have much of a clue about laptops, so don’t even know where to start. I used to play fm19 and a few before that but my laptop at the time wasn’t up to it. Now I’m moving country and my PlayStation is not coming with me so I am looking for a laptop that’ll run fm24 and hopefully fm25 when it comes. I would like a decent amount of playable leagues, and will also like to watch 3D games at a high quality, and hopefully not have any worries about loading and game speed, which put me off the game before. My girlfriend will also use it occasionally (when she can get me off it), for YouTube and Netflix and other general usage. My price range would be ideally £500 but would go up to £700 if it was to ensure all this was possible. also because I am moving country, is it best i wait until I move to get the laptop, with plug adapters probably needed. Using adapters constantly won’t damage anything would it? Like I said. Clueless 🤣 Thanks
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