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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Absolutely I agree. We won't enjoy the game unless this rule comes back. Please respond to our requests. I have at least 50 friends who think like me. Please we trust you @Dan Sheppard. Bring back the foreign rule.
  2. The same rule existed last year and at the beginning of this year. There were no problems. But now the game has lost realism. The most important feature of FM is realism. Please contact the developers. Speak up to bring this back. I can't play the game that I recommend everyone to play right no. Please come back foreign rule. Please Dan… Thanks.
  3. @Dan Sheppard I've been eagerly waiting for an update for weeks. I updated the game today. I am astonished. The FOREİGN RULE bug is still not fixed. I haven't started a new game in a few weeks. In the end, I lost my temper again. Why is the foreigner rule in the game being removed??? Why is feedback not given importance??? While the game should be moving forward, it's going backwards. I've been an Apple Arcade subscriber for 2 years just for this game. This year's game is very very bad and terrible. I'm really angry… I don't understand what you are trying to do. Our request was not very difficult. Thank you, you have made a great update!
  4. We would be happy to know when it will be released. Like one week, one month, two weeks. Thanks for the answer. I am sorry if I disturbed.
  5. 👏🏻 I agree. I'm going to start a new game but I can't. Because there has been no update for weeks. This year's game is very problematic. I hope the foreigner rule and other errors will be corrected.
  6. The date is too late. I wish it had come out sooner. So will the foreign player limit be fixed?
  7. Yes FM 24 touch version foreigner rule canceled. The game has moved away from realism. Please update it quickly. Thanks @Dan Sheppard @zakbrown96
  8. Yes FM 24 touch version foreigner rule canceled. The game has moved away from realism. Please update it quickly, otherwise we do not plan to play. @Dan Sheppard @zakbrown96
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