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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I have 3 kids, I can't afford a new laptop.
  2. When I installed it originally, I used my phone to put it on my Chromebook. As it's not working I uninstalled it. I now don't have the option to reinstall it.
  3. In the UK. Both Netflix & my device are up to date and it's still not working.
  4. I have a Chromebook with Google Playstore which FMM 23 worked on brilliantly using the eme. Now we have to sign in with Netflix, I can no longer play it. As Netflix don't make Netflix games available on Chromebook, it won't let me sign in, so I'm effectively being blocked from playing a game my machine can play by a 3rd party app. I've tried contacting Netlix who said they have no fix. Has anyone else had this issue and is there a way to work round it?
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