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  1. Hey guys, I have two simple questions (hopefully). I have the opportunity to buy this unopened laptop from a buddy for $1200 (but I could probably convince him to do $1100). It’s admittedly a little more than I planned on paying for a new laptop so I guess my questions are: 1) how well will it play FM? It’s not ALL I’m going to use the laptop for, but I’m also not going to use it for anything extravagant. Just web browsing/streaming and an occasional game or two - mostly FM and OOTP Baseball with the rare “normal” game thrown in. 2) what’s it actually worth? I haven’t looked for a laptop in years and am admittedly not up to date on prices for different specs - although I do know Mac’s tend to be more expensive. I would prefer a Mac tbh so I’m leaning towards getting it, but prior to this offer I was planning on spending a little less on an actual gaming laptop. Specs are attached Thanks!
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