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Everything posted by jimjay203

  1. If you rest a player and then recall him, the orange rectangle doesnt disappere autmatically. You have to hover over the rectangle for it to disappere. For this effect to take place, you have to leave the squad- or tacticspage once and then come back to the page.
  2. Thanks @sebastian_starttrbts for the reply! Sounds komplex but I would want to give it a try. Can you give me some hints what the commands in the panel files look like? I find it hard to find stuff in this xml-madness. I'm not completely lost though, so far I successfully combined some elements of the Zealand-Skin with the Tato-Skin. So I think with some hints and tipps I can do it
  3. Hey @sebastian_starttrbts, is it possible stick with my favorite skin and just replace the attributes with stars? If so, can you name the files I have to touch/replace?
  4. Hey Guys, does anyone know how to change the height of these inbox messages?
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