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Everything posted by lembergman

  1. we need this gay Chris Rigg https://www.transfermarkt.com/chris-rigg/profil/spieler/947411
  2. try my skin, i think you will find a solution https://www.mediafire.com/file/j1x3floewimx8db/Action+Style+skin+23.rar/file
  3. here is what i have after help @DamienQilBormliz but there is a question. @bluestillidie00 , in the original you can see the badge of the captain and goalkeeper. how to do it? for example, here you can see the sign of the captain match team news panel.xml skin 23\panels\match\comps\eng\efl match preview lineups panel.xml skin 23\panels\tactics\comps\eng\efl tactics icon preview info panel.xml
  4. Guys, I tried to integrate my logo like in the previous version, but it didn't work. can you tell me what? match score area panel.xml <!-- Competition icon --> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre" width="100"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> <list id="value_list"> <record value="109201" file="pictures/logos/normal/comps/eng/109201"/> </list> </widget> graphics\pictures\logos\normal\comps\eng
  5. Guys, I tried to integrate my logo like in the previous version, but it didn't work. can you tell me what? match score area panel.xml <!-- Competition icon --> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre" width="100"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> <list id="value_list"> <record value="109201" file="pictures/logos/normal/comps/eng/109201"/> </list> </widget> graphics\pictures\logos\normal\comps\eng
  6. sory/ "CLUB_NAME_CHANGE" 655 "Gateshead" "" "CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 655 "Gateshead" "" "CLUB_3LETTER_NAME_CHANGE" 665 "GAT"
  7. do you by any chance have one for scottish and irish clubs?
  8. I made a file - it worked, thanks Football Manager 2023\data\database\db\2300\lnc CLUB_3LETTER_NAME_CHANGE.lnc
  9. thank you very much. and where can I read about it, I would watch other championships. give this file please, I didn't understand which file I need to edit
  10. @bluestillidie00Please tell me how to enlarge the panel so that the name of the goalkeeper is placed
  11. English Long Team Names in editor folder from @stevemc
  12. @bluestillidie00 Friend, thanks for your help, as always! I saw that your scoreboard has three-letter names, but I don't :))) You can drop the code or panel here. Thanks, best regards!
  13. How to put a surname under a circle with a number? I added a name to this panel, what's next, please tell me skin 23\panels\tactics\comps\eng\efl tactics icon preview info panel.xml
  14. what is the name of the tactics panel in 3d match?
  15. an example of how it looks. only reloading the config helps when browsing in the club
  16. The stadiums are made in the FMT style. 800x480 Free to use Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/eav4pfl0hdbd8wx/00.+Qatar+2022+FIFA+World+Cup+Stadiums.rar/file
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