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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I love how all this guys who telling it is out tommorow have same source(Epic). We pass that 40 pages ago. I have bad news for you, it is out TODAY
  2. I think is unusual to youtubers to post videos before noon, so only reason can be because BETA IS TONIGHT
  3. I appeal that we just stop posting, 106 pages, come on guys, we do it for them but they just not respect us. Stop posting
  4. Yes, because they are without heart, 20 years of FM, never bigger fan community, i am sure sales numbers are also high, last FM of its kind. We all know new FM will be unplayable first few years
  5. Because they dont care if someone act like insider, and if beta not at that day people will blame SI not ES, they dont understand that someone cant manipulate with their name, games and anything what will reflect of their reputation
  6. Yeah, they know it, Epic store got first infos about beta, i am sure we will get more infos here then them
  7. It is clear today no release, They dont care about us, we just want to se wave to bring us hope again,
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