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Posts posted by DJ

  1. Surprised that no one has mentioned that the players/teams should be on the middle line, but at opposite sides of the pitch. It makes for nice drama to have them slag eachother off but the way it played out between for example Argentina and the Netherlands... well, for shame. Players about to take a penalty and the goalies should not be allowed to be spoken or gestured to by opposite players either. There should be only two possible touches of the ball after the penalty taker puts it on the spot: the shot and possibly the save. At any other moment, the ball is considered to be held by the ref. Any other deliberate attempt to touch the ball should yield a yellow.

    In general: stop messing about ^^

  2. 3 minutes ago, nico_france said:

    This penalty is a total disgrace 

    Argentina had plenty of pens during the tournament

    French are not good but the ref kills us

    Pen was correct. Light touch and dive = penalty, sorry.

    French are killing themselves. At what point did they even threaten to score or put any pressure on the Arg defense? France play for the counter. I find it rather sweet that they ran into one. 
    Didier better come up with another plan. 

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