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The Amazing Dale Watkins

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Posts posted by The Amazing Dale Watkins

  1. 3 minutes ago, greenz81 said:

    "Before we give you that information though, I also need to explain that the days of us being able to release updates a few hours after we’ve merged the last bit of code are long gone. Many of the platforms that we are on have “submission processes” where the platform tests what they have been sent before allowing it on their platform – something that is much better for the consumer in the bigger picture of things." - Miles Jacobson


    So do i understand this correctly? Are patches for the PC being delayed until they are available for all platforms? Would just like clarity on that please.



    Well, not for the next patch, which they said they want to roll out as soon as possible on each platform, but it sounds like generally yes, they prefer to roll out the following patches synchronously.

  2. 23 hours ago, janrzm said:

    Like I said last year. That time was spent on "graphical" features that are invisible in the game actually beggars belief.  I think they see them as cheap wins, padding. I would have taken a fix to any single historical issue in the game over this. 

    I think it's a pointless feature, too, but this isn't really how it works. I've worked in the software industry for 20 years, and I have yet to encounter an environment where development is a zero-sum game in which every resource is interchangeable.  There's nothing wrong with picking up some quick wins and low-hanging fruit along the way, and as a company selling a new product every year, you can't spend all of your resources just on fixing historical issues. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Lempicka said:

    I'd love to know the rationale behind the decision to add face paints to manager customisation. Not only do I find it baffling that time was spent adding this - but that someone thought it was good idea. After all the criticism of last year, I thought SI would have steered clear of this type of stuff and focused more on noticeable visual improvements.

    Me: "I play in a home stadium that only has one floodlight and it looks so unrealistic. Will it be fixed next year?"

    SI: "Here, have some face paints for your manager."


    I have an inkling of how this happened. I bet someone working on something else discovered that as a new feature in the third-party library they're using for the models, tried it out because it only took a few lines of code, and showed it to someone else who goes "sure, why not?". It was likely a very cheap feature to implement, also with little impact to QA.  Or maybe it was someone's intern project.

    Either way, I don't believe some other feature was deprioritized because of it.


  4. 6 hours ago, r33Cy said:

    What was the point of allowing us to carry over FM23 saves but then locking us out from Steam Achievements?

    Wasn't the whole point of this to allow us to not have to slog through the long start-over process and carry on the teams we have built?

    Seem like it just forces players who want their achievements to start over.

    Because it's a different game with different achievements. How would you propose to carry over achievements? That would only work if there'd be 1:1 parity in achievements, and that has never been the case. 

  5. I'm generally very pleased with the 3D match experience in FM24. The one thing that is still there that's always been bothering me though is players frequently turning into ghosts and simply moving through others as if they weren't there. Granted, that's not happening in direct duels while the ball is in play, as far as I can tell, but mostly away from the ball or after the whistle, i.e. when coming out to take a throw-in, in the box awaiting corners and free kicks, or walking straight through a player lying on the ground. It's more of a visual annoyance, but it definitely breaks the immersion.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Persebaya said:

    Hi @Kyle Brown, foreign player regulation in Indonesian League didnt match with the current regulation. Hope SI can fix it. Thanks.

    You can post this in the bug tracker for the Indonesian League here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2024-early-access-bugs-tracker/competition-rules-and-schedule/indonesia-competition-specific-issues/

    There's already a mention of this, I think, but check if it's the same issue.

  7. 1 hour ago, YUCON said:

    I loaded my FM 23 save to FM 24 but could not add Japan to my leagues in add leagues. Is there anyway that this can be fixed so we can use Japan in our old saves?

    I don't think so. The playable leagues are contained in the save, and neither Japan nor Gibraltar can be added because they didn't exist. It's the same reason why custom leagues from FM23 continue to work in the FM24 save, even if they weren't active in the save.

  8. 6 minutes ago, rjferguson90 said:

    In Japan there's some weird managers. 'Cameron Schofield' at Yokohama F Marinos - Australian, has Kevin Muscat's career history... is this an oversight or just because the same is in early access? Mihailo Petrovic at Consadole Sapporo has also been replaced by 'Stefan Rauter'.

    Yeah, that's interesting. "Rauter" is definitely Petrovic. Must be some licensing problem.

  9. 22 minutes ago, splishysplash123 said:

    Let me know if I'm off base - the team names are probably entirely correct - but I booted it up just now, having downloaded it from Steam a half-hour or so ago, and the logos/ uniforms, etc. are all generic (unlike J1 and other fully licensed leagues, like the Eredivisie or whatever)

    it's all there for J1/J2/J3. Clubs below J3 are generic though.


    Screenshot 2023-10-20 185910.png

  10. 1 minute ago, HighFlyingDwarf said:

    I don't think this conversation will end well. I think adding intergender as a third option is fine, but SI moved away from gendered terminology and pronouns for precisely this reason I think in most of where they're used in the game.

    SI have always seemed quite progressive in most of the stuff they've done. Gender or sex doesn't have any impact on you in game. Playing video games and simulations are an escape after all, since most people playing this game aren't football managers.


    That's fine. Not looking for a debate. Just leaving my feedback in the feedback thread. Peace.

  11. Some feedback to hopefully address in FM25: I wish we could get away from the strictly binary gender system for managers. Why don't you simply provide a variety of body types (from masculine to feminine and anything in between) and pronouns and let people pick what they like? It would also make it easier to find any hairstyle you want (why is that gendered in the first place?).

    I think that would be a much more welcome addition than face paint.

  12. 26 minutes ago, BJG123 said:

    Are there any leagues where you can get a start date in June 2023?  Want to undo all these transfers but don't want to go back to before the end of last season! 

    There are a bunch of them. Just load the European nations and look at the start dates for early season starts. At quick glance, I saw Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, and several others with start dates in mid to late June.

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