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Issue Comments posted by Junkhead

  1. Bit of an update on this, with screenshots.  Appears to be happening when free agent is clicked on.

    Here, we see George Harmon who has contacted me and said that he is currently available.  As you can see in the bottom right hand corner, my scouts have no idea regarding his current ability in relation to my squad, presumably because he hasn't been scouted (note also that weirdly they are looking at him as an AMR when he is a left fullback...) However they DO seem to know his current/potential ability on the left hand side.


    If I click on George's name though, all of his attributes are visible;


    If I then press the back arrow, my scouts seem to know all about him & how he will compare to my squad (bottom right corner)


    Should be very simple to reproduce, it's happening with every player who is either suggested by an agent or who approaches me through the scouting centre.  Hopefully can be fixed as renders scouting a bit pointless.

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