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23 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Yes, this is correct. However, I think the next era of AI is where companies like FM/SI uses a general base AI like GPT and then makes their own specialised AI on top of that. That could be done. Those models could be a lot smaller and resource efficient than the base AI like GPT. Those specialised AIs could run locally on pretty limited hardware. Open AI's(The company behind GPT) business model will probably be to license the base IA enable this. This is probably a few years away and it would be a pretty big investment for SI.
  2. Yea, the alternative is to scrap the press conferences altogether. It's not a big deal as you can let the assistant attend all press conferences, but that feels wrong and hurts the immersion a bit.
  3. One thing that has irritated me for years in FM is that every time I accept the suggested squad or use and of the quick pick options the assistant always includes a goalkeeper in the bench. This is rarely necessary and takes up a valuable slot on the bench, especially in leagues where you are only allowed to have 5 subs. With 5 five subs you really need the flexibility to have 5 five outfield players on the bench. So, could you please add a pick guideline of staff instruction to tell the assistant to not pick a goalkeeper sub? That would really improve my experience playing the game. Now I have to replace the goalkeeper on the bench before every game.
  4. ChatGPT or similar AI would be very nice to fix the press conferences and make them interesting once and for all...
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