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Issue Comments posted by nickoo

  1. 11 hours ago, Jamaicaman90 said:

    All of the issues can be fixed immediately via the game's database by making all B/II teams function like Jong Ajax, at the expense of them being teams players can manage. To be able to manage them will probably require programming changes. For me, the novelty of managing a B team is absolutely not worth breaking their senior teams.

    Spot on, I feel the same way and would prefer the B teams be non-manageable and have them function like they should  All the bugs I've reported this year and previous years are not present with Dutch B teams etc. Most of 'standalone' B/II teams that are bugged, are meant to be U21/U23 teams and would function in real life like U21 teams in England, except they play in lower divisions instead of an U21 league. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    The manager or staff at the B team are the ones who decide whether to send them on a course and so this would not be considered to be a bug by our team.

    This may be  a separate issue but linked to this. Considering that most II teams in Germany are U21/U23 teams, wouldn't that make their set up be more similar to their u19 team where the manager does have control over staff? Several German teams state their the II teams are either U21/U23 teams that play in the Regionaliga with no mention that they are a separate entity as such. 

    Two examples:




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