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Everything posted by Cleon

  1. I used to upload my saved games for people to play on when I did articles, on a fair number of occasions. I've not known anyone up attributes though to prove a point apart from 1 youtuber about 7 years ago. I don't think SI would have had me on the alpha for 23 years if I cheated though. Or ask me to write for them if I did anything like this. I always tell people not to try and copy anyway because they don't think the same way as me or others. We all have different approaches, different ways we react to things and a lot of people don't even understand what they're seeing happen on the pitch. Let alone be in a position to fix it. While others have better understandings of the ME, others are better at morale, signing players etc. And some are better at them all. Myself I'm rubbish at morale and neglect it but I make up for that with knowing how the ME works. While someone like @HUNT3R is probably one of the best motivators I've seen on FM and wins by knowing how to get players up for games. I'm not saying that's the only thing he is good at but he's certainly the best I've seen document it with a massive focus on morale. It's like real life and jobs etc. If you placed me in your work place and I copy what you've done, I likely wouldn't get the same results because you'll have had years of experience and really honed your craft and skill. No matter how well you explained your role to me, you'd still be better at your job than someone who took it up 10 mins ago. The same applies here.
  2. Thanks for the great feedback. I'm glad you find the content useful for bridging a gap that is lacking
  3. What parts needed more depth did you feel, you never really said?
  4. No. I think this was around the time I had heart issues and a heart attack. So never finished it off. Still have them half done on my drive. I might get to finish them off/update at some stage though.
  5. Further up the thread when I was replying to Owls, I linked a 8k word document all about defensive football and low blocks. The new stuff will be coming to the website in the opening post. As for setting LOE it all depends on the starting point you want your strikers to press from.
  6. Why do you get the impression it's for people with experience already? Personally I feel it's for all people but more aimed at those without experience. For example my 10 year old daughter and 8 year old son are able to use it and they had no prior experience to playing (Unlike my older kids) without any assistance from me. I believe it's a good building base for those with no idea what they want to do, what they're doing or perhaps struggling and feel overwhelmed in general. Thanks
  7. Clarity Some of you have pointed out there was a mistake between page 40-41 and page 126. The reason for this is because the book was much larger and included all types of playing styles. The bit about the low line on page 126 is incorrect and comes from a match where I originally was talking about low blocks which was removed. It doesn't make any difference to what we were talking about though as it was only to highlight how we can use all available options. The stuff on page 40-21 are correct as is the image of the tactic after double and triple checking. At no point was that changed at any point. This was also another reason for splitting the book up and trying to focus on a specific theme too as the people who were lucky enough to get really early access to it stated it was becoming confusing to follow, which is understandable really. Hopefully that clears that up.
  8. So I'm trying to get to the bottom of the low line thing in the book that is confusing people. Is it specifically this passage or somewhere else?
  9. For FM23 there will be a lot of stuff around this in terms of players playing roles differently etc. As for the 352 stuff, there is lots of stuff on this forum about that from me already. Nothing really changes for me with those. Yeah I need to read up and find out which bit is missing then add it in here.
  10. We've added a new way of viewing the book on the website today. You can read it online now as well as offline. https://fmplaybook.viewfromthetouchline.com If you follow that link you can view the book. You'll also have the option to install it as an offline app on your desktop, Android, and iOS and it works in aeroplane mode too. To use the offline app simply just click on the icon in the tool. Then it will look and act like an app on your desktop; If you still want to download it, you can also still do that. Click the print option on your keyboard and save it as a PDF while on the book's homepage. A massive shoutout and huge thanks to Rob the owner of sortitoutsi for reaching out and creating this. We can't thank him enough.
  11. I never thought you was for one moment :). I just wanted to show people just how much effort went into stuff and how it's easy to make mistakes with all the moving parts. Everything not used in this book will be in the other books we do or be articles on the blog in the opening post. So be sure to check it out. Thanks. I think it's often a part that is overlooked so wanted to give some kind of visual to try and give people a starting point or something to be aiming for just as a rough guide.
  12. I seem to have confused a lot of people with this, myself included. The first part of the writing where I do pros/cons and discuss the settings was done over 9 months ago. The final parts of the book the last few months/weeks. So I need to go back and check and read it through myself (Something I actually haven't done yet) to remind myself what I did. I have notes written down and saves from every season and just went back to double check and I did in fact start with a higher line like people mention. But it seems I ended the book with a lower one based on what people are saying. So it looks like the book is correct but the issue is I haven't documented why or when the change occured? If so I will try and get this clarified as to why I didn't. It is possible this bit is in one of the other articles/parts that were removed. As this is what the book drive looks like with stuff that was cut from the book. There is the odd piece which has the same title as somethings in the book but they were streamlined or had bits added/removed from them. So as you can see and understand the book was always evolving into something else when working on it. I had to adapt it an awful lot and rewrite as I went alone. But I have all the info, it's just trying to remember which bit it was in or which draft version etc. Once I find the missing bit either in these articles or by remembering by reading the book myself, I will clarify the situation further. I know it might seem frustrating but there was lots of moving parts on the go. EDIT - I hate reading my own stuff btw.
  13. You are right yeah you could easily flip the roles around if you wanted. Or do some variation of them that allows 1 player to always sit in the space you think can be dangerous space if you lose possession. I'm glad I've been able to help you in some way and that now you are trying new things in your own save or are thinking in a different way. That was always the intention of the book and I'm glad it seems to have come across this way based on your feedback and from others On the site linked in the opening post.
  14. Thanks mate I mentioned the tempo/passing and mentality and why I chose what I did. There was a full chapter on it explaining why I left it on balanced mentality and why I didn't want to mess with the settings This won't be a book will be a blog post/series.
  15. There is nothing to understand though. I don’t owe anyone anything. Id already explained multiple times for those that follow me what was going to happen and how the book changed due to the size it was becoming. Even then, I still owe no one anything. Yet I’m still doing all the other stuff. Imagine getting upset over someone giving up their free time to create something that helps the community. And then throw abuse/personal attacks at them just because they had to change the layout of the book. But have already said they were doing the other stuff mentioned, even though they don’t have to. But none the less it’s all dealt with now. People just need to be aware that they have no right to demand or dictate what someone does, regardless of what is said. Finding time to finish stuff is hard when you have a family etc. They are always the priority. Many years ago yeah 😂 Thank you for the kind words
  16. Cheers. Hopefully you'll enjoy it. None of my work fits what you're talking about doing. My stuff is usually all about the concepts and teaching people who the game work. The book is a great start for anyone struggling or wanting to learn imo. The game already comes with all the formations included that are classed "out of the box" so personally wouldn't see the point in it. As for my work, I have most things on my HD but it's a ballache trying to extract images from Google Docs. There is lots posted on my Discord though and there will be an archive of all my old stuff in the next week or so.
  17. For those of you who have read the book, which chapter/s were the most helpful and why? Also for a second book, what would you as the read think the next natural step is? I.e what would you want to build upon now the basics are out of the way?
  18. Let's try this one more time shall we, as stated in the book in the intro, things changed and it became too big so I had to chop the book up to make it all fit in a specific theme. As it would make no sense to keep jumping from topic to topic right. You keeping up here @Owlsright? So the rest of the stuff that didn't make the blog, the Icelandic stuff and the low block and defensive football stuff is coming to the blog next month hopefully. Right you keeping up? That's the whole reason for doing a blog and not just books as there is other stuff I want to put out there between, especially stuff like this as it's important subject and one that people get confused and frustrated about. Is that simple enough to understand for you? I linked the other topic above for you to read as you keep pushing and pushing the subject so thought it would be a better use of your time because all the principles discussed in that will still be the same principles I talk about when discussing the low block defensive stuff. So can you please go back to being an adult now I've explained it in simple terms to you yeah and stop throwing toys out of the pram because some one on the internet didn't have the time or space to fit something in that you really want to read? And yes there is several mistakes in the book but the page 127 one isn't a mistake. The mistake comes on page 40-41 where it says high line under the pros when it shouldn't. Thank you for being a superfan though and reading through every single word I write on blogs, books and forums. People like you are the real MVP's, thanks.
  19. I explained to you why and linked you a 8k word topic on the subject of low lines and defensive football to tide you over until the new one comes out in a few weeks. But it seems like you keep ignoring that to take cheap shots at every point you can and to get personal. That's fine if that's what you want to do as it seems you are incapable of having a proper discussion and avoided every single thing I have said and linked so far, to carry on this petty crusade on an alt account because you didn't have the balls to post on your main. In the future I'll ignore every post you do in here unless you can start to discuss like an adult and actually read/take in what is being said.
  20. I provided you with a link above to what you're asking for which is 8000 words long, to tide you over until the new stuff is out shortly. Also you can search on here for any Blades stuff. Not sure why you're so angry though, I'm sorry you look up to me as your hero and feel let down. Not sure the 14k people who downloaded the book all agree with you about finding the info on Google in 5 mins. If that was the case you'd not be so upset now either would you, as you can find the info you want me to provide in minutes. Let's not spoil a good day eh. Enjoy your day sir.
  21. Id likely do the same yeah or approach it from that kind of angle to begin with yeah.
  22. The book was started a year ago and any new stuff didn't make the cut. The Icelandic stuff is going on the blog. I told you I'm working on it, please don't be that guy be better. It's Saturday, get out and enjoy the fresh air. Grab a coffee, a beer, watch the Owls lose. Do something more productive that looking for something that isn't here. The Icelandic stuff doesn't even fit the book. Imagine if I'd written about how to build a tactic and then suddenly we are challenging for the Champions League . Quite the jump that fella. I've already spoke about the low block, defensive stuff on the discord and twitter accounts highlighting it's coming. But stuff takes time to write and up until a week ago, any writing was on the book. Since then I've been busy with preparing the website, making the launch go smoothly and working on building socials. Hopefully towards the middle of next month everything you want is on the blog. Also I take it you never read the other in-depth topics I did on low/blocks and defensive football though? As you are so eager, why not check it out you can find the draft here. It did exist on here but the images no longer exist iirc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D_IiCkAgdZbUADAreSqd_mW7oKLyV6CToyy5q2NpKgQ/edit?usp=sharing Enjoy your afternoon sir.
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