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Posts posted by kertiek

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dadecane said:

    This is 100% overstated and wont be noticeable until youre 5, 6, 7, 8 yrs into your save by which point the update will be out. People are being EXTREMELY overdramatic, the game is fine right now to start a very realistic save, in which u wont experience much issues until a point where SI will have already dropped the update. 

    sure, take a look at the bug report section and count the posts about substitutions and rotations, i dont need to make users agree with me, there is more than enough reports about it.

  2. does this fix from the last patch applies only to new saves ?

    -         Improvements to scheduling in English top flight and less fixture congestion

    i know that changes to Competitions and Rulegroups*: have this comment *For competition specific changes to take effect a new game may be required.

    but the may makes me wonder if it works on older saves or not.

  3. not only that , now fatigue and jadeness changes the player progression, if suddenly a good player starts going downhill, is time to start rotating him and giving him a few rest days, after he lowers his fatigue levels he will start going up in his "progression" and being able to perform at his "full" CA.

    i feel in previous years progression was a representation of current ability only but now is more like his current performing capacity with more factors affecting it.

  4. i "cheated" just to check the real value of fatigue of my team when the "slump" hit in january/febrauary and the players that were not performing as good as before were exactly the players that were jaded or really close to being jaded and all the other players that had decent rotations kept their form at good levels for the whole season, yes over a season u have to do a tweak on your tactics to keep the opposition guessing what ur going to do but fatigue is a big factor in performance that at least me didnt notice as much before.

    what i did to fix it? ...

    improved the whole sport science staff ( they help to keep fatigue low), read this for more info about that role and fatigue https://fminside.net/guides/staff-guides/279-sports-scientist-in-football-manager

    on congested weeks of matches i lowered intensity in training -> rest to no training on yellow, half on light green and double on full green, but kept giving 1 day off to regular/importat players after every match especially if the match load was on heavy, maybe they can play 4 o 5 on a roll and keep performing but after 7 o 8 matches every 2/3 days they will start breaking down and the only way to keep them away from jadeness is resting them every chance u get


  5. 15 minutes ago, goku4 said:

    Am I the only one who has problems with crossing? My FBs/WBs always run down the line, make a stop, turn around and then cross... I tried with and without "Work Ball Into Box" instructions and even told them to "cross often". I ready through a couple of forums and saw that other people are also observing similar things... This for sure is a bug/weakness of the match engine. Does not have anything to do with tactical instructions or player intelligence, as opposition players behave in the same pattern... Nobody is running down the line and crossing, there is always a stop and 180degree turn first and then they cross with the weaker foot...

    if u are playing with attacking mentality and there is not much people in the box to receive the cross, wide players often choose to recycle the ball instead of trying a low chance cross

  6. currently we have a list with tickets with all the team instruction available but is rather confusing to use it. (image1)




    since an minimalistic UI for team instructions already exist in-game, the one that we can use while playing a match without going to the tactics screen. (image2)




    could u guys make it that match plans team instruction use UI from the second image? but maintain an option to select a team shout, with  multiple team instructions  (tactics > tactical style) (image 3)




    thanks in advance

  7. 1 minute ago, KamyKaze said:

    I meant I change the FM window depending on what else I have on screen too

    the way i did the script it sends the click only when the main window is football manager, that way if u are using other apps or browsing chrome for example, it wont send the click, only when the main window is football manager even if u play it as windowed ;)

  8. i decided to do it myself in the meantime in case they dont add it.


    here is the script for autohotkeys.

    my sreen resolution is 1920x1080 window mode with 85% zoom out, if u use other resolution or window mode u will need to edit the coordinates (1871, 946)

    with this script when i press tab while the main window is football manager 2023 it does a mouse left click on the button than opens the touchpad in the lower right position while watching a match, i didnt want to make it more complicated so it will happens always while u have football manager 2023 as your main active window not only when watching a match, probably i could detect colors to only make it while watching a match but i dont want to invest more time in it.





    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
        IfWinActive, ahk_exe fm.exe
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
            PixelGetColor, color, 1871, 946
            if color = 0x1A1719
                Click, 1871 946
                MouseMove, MouseX, MouseY, 0


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