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Issue Comments posted by Overmars

  1. Managing in the Netherlands:

    1. Late March -- I have 3 scouts, and the board has allowed me to have 3 scouts all season with my domestic scouting package.
    2. Early April -- The scounting budget reduces to a negative balance (my chief scout is running that mess and has somehow overshot the allocated budget), and so my domestic scouting package disappears. The board reduces my allowed scouts to 0.
    3. Mid-April -- I receive the new transfer budget for next season, which gives me the chance to move some of that budget allocation to the scouting budget and reenable the domestic package. The board now allows me to have 5 scouts.
    4. Late April -- I offer jobs to two new scouts.
    5. Early May -- One of the potential hires accepts my offer, so now I have 4 scouts. The board then changes the limit to 4 scouts, so my offer for a fifth scout must be rescinded.
    6. Mid May -- The board revises my limit of scouts to 3. I still have my domestic scouting package and a positive scouting budget, so I'm not sure why anything should change.

    All of this is nonsensical. I have never seen this issue pre-FM23.

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