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Why can't we have an FM like Apple or Nintendo?

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Excuse my English, as you will notice it is not as good as that of a native.  For a few years I have had the pleasure of playing FMm from my Android device and I have noticed that year after year (respecting the work that programmers do) I get the same game, honestly I don't know the difficulties of creating a game but the origin of this post starts when a few weeks ago I bought an Apple device and thanks to the fact that my family has a plan where the Arcade system is included I was able to try the version that IOS users enjoy and honestly my disappointment was very great when I verified that its version is very superior to what as an Android user I enjoy.  My question is why, clearly having games that run very well or perfectly on Android devices like CODM or Dysmantle, which in my opinion is a copy equal to the PC version (and just to mention a few examples because clearly there are more) we don't have the privilege of having an advanced or better version of what FMm 23 is?  Does it have to do with some kind of 'exclusivity' with Apple or is the Android version simply not worth improving?

I attach some images of the Apple version and the version that I was playing until a few days ago

1286x0w (1).webp



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The tablet* market for android devices isn't very large and the simple fact of the matter is that supporting android as a platform is very intensive from a development front which makes it unlikely that in the short-term you'll see that version of the game released on android.

The reason its different to Apple/Nintendo is:

* Android is a fully open platform so Apple/Nintendo have only a few devices to support and test, FMM is currently played and enjoyed on over 4,000 different android devices.
* On top of this Android isn't a 'standard' Operating System, each hardware manufacturer customized it for their devices which means there are a myriad of potential issues that can arise upon devices that might be bespoke to their particular operating system implementation (I've personally implemented a host of specific android fixes within FMM for individual platforms/variants and it consumes a lot of brainpower and time that might otherwise be spent improving the core game itself).

It is possible this will change in the future if the android market continues to grow - until then you always have the choice to purchase an iPad or similar if you want to play a particular variant of our products (I have no particular bias towards either mobile game - until last year I was executive producer on FMC, so have been involved in both FMM and that product).

*I mention tablet because the situation for phones is even more diverse for android (and the FMC interface for phones is very different to the one you posted).

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