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Number input field for some player search attributes (Minutes played example)


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'Minutes played' search attribute on default has only few values that can be selected from drop list:


When player want to search with different value it's possible but he can't input integer because there is no input field but using [-] and [+] buttons he can change the value of attribute search. While it might be ok for most attributes when I wanted to look for players that had at least 450 minutes (full 5 matches) played I had to manually click 450 times because holding [+] or [-] buttons doesn't work.


Make this attribute input field where user can type integer value or

Make more selective values, like 0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 etc. or

Make [-] and [+] button hold-sensitive so when player holds click on this button it increase/decrease value or

Make single click change decimal value so +/- 10 instead of +/- per click because there is no real need for 1 minute precision for search or make it progressive like with salary value where after certain thresholds value starts to changing by bigger magnitude.


I didn't check but I assume that the same mechanic can occur with different attributes that has big integer values.

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