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Average points using 14.3


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I know in the changelist for 14.3 it says that there is a fix for using average points, but I'm still having problems and was wondering if anyone else had attempted to use them yet:

When trying to mimic the Bolivian top tier system (bottom team relegated and second to bottom team qualifies for a relegation playoff), I have the average points set the league fates in the overall stage. The file doesn't validate correctly because the editor can't find the top tier team qualifying for the playoff, even though there's a qualification action set (bottom playoff league fate -> qualify for relegation playoff).

If I simply set two teams to be relegated from that league stage, it sets the league fates fine (the teams are marked as relegated both in editor and in game) and everything validates correctly. However, there is no season rollover (the game is still stuck in the 2013 season).

Any ideas, or should this just be passed on as still buggy?

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Hi hokster,

noticed this message and decided to run some tests by changing the Paraguay league I'm working on at the moment. It works when I set the league fates in apertura/clausura stages, not in overall stage. I have the stages in following order: Apertura (index 0), Clausura (1), Overall (2) and Relegation playoff (3). In the average points, I have 'Use Results from League Stage' = 0 AND 'Use Results from Second League Stage' = 1. And in fate actions I have set both relegation and bottom playoff fates in Apertura/Clausura stages (0 and 1). In playoff stage I have fate actions set in stages 0 and 1.

The only problem I have in this file (and in my original Paraguay file) is that I always get 3 champions recorded in comp history (Apertura/Clausura/Overall). And this happens even though I have 'Don't rank teams using this stage' checked and 'Top teams are champions' unchecked in Overall stage. I thought this was a bug and reported it, but I'm not quite sure anymore. Can you help me with this problem? :)

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Cheers...it works when both teams are set to be relegated, but I'm running into the same problem when the second to last team should enter a relegation playoff (it fails to validate because there aren't enough teams qualified). Do you have a qualification action set to qualify the bottom playoff team for the third stage?

As for 3 champions recorded, I'm not sure, as my file doesn't do that. I think you said earlier you were looking at it. Have you tried adding History Records after stages 0 and 1 only? I also have Store League History unchecked for the overall stage, that may do the trick.

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I changed the second last team to enter relegation playoff (last team only to relegate) and set the relevant fates in average points (position 11 relegation and position 10 bottom playoff, both fates set in stages 0 and 1). I also set Qualification Rules in stages 0 and 1 to a team which has been given bottom playoff fate by average points to enter Relegation playoff stage. Then in playoff stage to get qualified team from stage 0. That way it worked both in verifying and testing it in holiday mode.

By adding History Records do you mean 'Stage Finished Actions'? If so, yes I have only 0 and 1 there and I also have Store League History unchecked for the overall stage...that's why I'm wondering what else should I do to get this work correctly :confused:

In which order do you have your stages? Overall as 0 and apertura/clausura as 1 and 2? I just had a thought if this could affect the recorded competition history as it seems like the fate actions work best when set to stage 0.

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BTW, I noticed the verification process seems still a little buggy. I made some changes in my file, tried to verify and got error notice. I then reversed those changes and tried to verify and got error notice again. So, even though I changed everything back exactly the same way they were before, it couldn't verify the file. Well, I tried again without changing anything and got a different kind of error notice. Tried again without changing again and now it worked!

That means, if you have problems verifying your file, there aren't necessarily nothing wrong with the file. So maybe give it a try a couple more times and if it still won't pass the test, maybe then there's something wrong...

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Nope, every time I try it I get either "wrong number of teams" for the playoff stage or "no qualified teams" (if I delete "get lower division team if inactive"). Effectively, it's not pulling any team from the Premier Division.

Then if I try to just simulate the Nacional B, I get "wrong number of teams" even though it's set to 15 and there are 15. Oy.

I have the overall stage as stage 0, apertura stage 1, clausura stage 2.

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Hmm...that's odd. I had some difficulties in verifying my file but eventually, after about 3 or 4 tries, it was ok. And the playoff worked when I tested a couple of seasons in holiday mode, too. I also finally found what's wrong with my original file, I had forgotten to check 'Store stats' in overall stage. Now I have 2 champions recorded.

So it had nothing to do with the stage order. Just a thought, but could it have effect on your setup? I mean, if you have set all league fates in overall stage it somehow "messes up" the whole thing? Because when I changed the order and set overall stage as 0, and set the fates in it, the editor refused to verify my file, no matter how many times I tried.

I don't know if this is of any help, but this is how I've done it:




The above is the same in stage 1, too.


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