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Lack of free agents and other transfer gripes

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I'm currently playing as Bradford in League Two and I am finding it difficult to sign players. I'm in pre season at the moment and these are the issues I'm having

A player search for free agents (anyone that has no club or an expired contract) gave me 1 result for players that are interested and about 10 who arent interested. Thats unrealistic, a quick glance at the real pfa transfer list http://www.thepfa.com/transferlist/listedplayers/sortbydate/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/1/ gives far more results.

Most players I enquire about, the clubs want typically 10 or 20x their 'value'.

And if i actually manage to bid for a player, i am often instantly outbid by another club. Or the other club bids the same amount but my bid is rejected and theirs is accepted.

Also, if you manually look through clubs there are often players listed for loan or those that have expired contracts that do not show up on the player search, why is this?


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  • SI Staff

Hi - is this pre-season in the first season? If so it's a little puzzling as I have 50+ free agents showing up when I try this. It sounds like you may have left a filter in the player search on without realising it? Please check both the main filters and the attribute filters.

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Its about my 5th season. I've worked my way up from the BSS.

But you're right, had some attribute filters left on! 12 pages of players now I've removed the filter. :o

All that pain and anguish! :D

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