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Multi-Tiered Divisions


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This is somewhat tied to my Portuguese League Thread here: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?p=4308710#post4308710

Basically I've set myself the task of extending the league structure down to level seven of the pyramid. This level is (I believe) the 3rd Division for the regional championships. After the 3rd Division (which I have done), the Distrital FA's are then introduced (there are 22 of them) which feed into the third division. These Distrital League then break off into Premier (5th level), First (6th level) and Second Divisions (7th level), although this depends on the regional population.

What I want to know is, is it possible to have a parent division (called Portuguese Distrital Championships) branch out into the respective FA's (like Porto, Setúbal etc etc.) then branch out again into the separate divisions of said Regional FA associations (i.e First Division, Second Division etc etc.)?

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, it's absolutely possible - though not always with 100% accuracy. My England file, extending to Level 10, has its own thread in here and incorporates a lot of regional divisions - check that (and the file itself!) for examples of how to achieve what you're aiming for.

The key info is that each club needs to have:

a) a stadium, located in a city. The city must have the correct latitude/longitude set.

b) each club must have regional competition settings to specify at each level which regional league the club would go into.

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