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Hello, I am new to the forum and new to the Football Manager world. I have ordered this game from Argos and will be picking it up after the Poland game. I'm hoping to get straight into it and have some fun but I have been told there are various ways to set it up and it can be quite complex. I'm hoping one or two of you can give me "An idiots/beginners guide" on how to set it up and start my career.

Thanks in advance. :thup:

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I know FM is mostly based on the processor and I'm wondering if the i5 6200U is a good processor for FM as the recommended processor is 2.2Ghz and the i5 processor is only 2.3Ghz.

I have just ordered that one myself, upon recommendation in the thread below from some very knowledgeable people.

2.3GHz processor but increases up to 2.8GHz with turbo speed. It'll work well.


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