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Impossible to create new staff ?


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To add a bit of fun I thought it would be a nice idea to create entirely new non-player characters named after friends and family members.

Created them as referees and agents, no problem, and they show up in a newly created game.

However, even though I give them a d.o.b, a city and country (all in england btw) and set the relevant field, 'job preferences' eg 'scout' to 20 and all other values to 1, the character just doesn't get created in a new game. Same goes for all the other 'job preferences', no matter which one I set to 20, the new character just doesn't get created. Tried giving them previous clubs etc, but outcome is still the same.

I ask therefore, is it somehow by default impossible to create non-playing characters other than referees and agents and get them to show up in a new game?

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It might have to do with

1) the size of your database and

2) the reputation of your staff.

Do you choose the "large" database when you start a new game? If the database used is too small - and the staff's rep is too small - they won't be included. You can also choose the "custom" database option and just load everyone from England.

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Tried that, db is set to large, still don't show up though. Had a look at other staff who are in the editor by default, compared them in the editor to my newly created staff and there really doesn't seem to be any difference between them, but yet the game somehow refuses to recognise staff I create other than referees and agents.

Also tried creating them as player/non player, but it still doesn't show them. Seems kind weird imo.

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