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Amazon Free App of the Day

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This is a suggestion to the developers.

I think FMH could really raise it's profile around the (assumed) upcoming release of a new version in November (or whenever) by making the 2014 version available for free for one day as part of the Amazon Free App of the Day service.

On the Amazon App Store, one app is featured every day, front and centre, for a period of 24 hours, downloadable completely free of charge to all Amazon App Store users. The developer is basically surrendering one day of sales in exchange for a ton of good publicity and word-of-mouth advertising. I wouldn't like to presume about the business side of things of developing apps, but I would think that the daily sales of FMH 2014 are pretty minimal by now, and that 99.9% of the people who are going to buy it have already bought it. I would also imagine that there are a good number of people who would buy the game but currently do not know that it exists (or do not know just how good it is). By giving last year's game to these people for free, a good number of them may well decide to drop some money on next year's game when it releases.

The Free App of the Day normally produces around 50,000 downloads for the app in question. Many of these 50,000 people will never have heard of FMH before. I have tried to get friends of mine interested in the app but they are turned off by the high price, which, while totally reasonable for a mobile game with so much depth and quality, is expensive compared to the vast majority of mobile games out there. Trying out last year's game for free could produce many new fans at almost no cost. It's basically free advertising, and I think it would be a great move for you guys.

I'll admit now that I have absolutely no idea how these things work, whether it's normal for a developer to contact Amazon asking for this or if Amazon themselves seek out the developers of apps they wish to feature, but I would think it would be worth an email in their direction. I'm sure that Amazon would be interested in offering such a high quality app with many excellent reviews as their Free App of the Day, even if it is a year old. Indeed, many developers agree to be Free App of the Day with an older app in order to raise awareness of their more recent work.

I also don't know when the timing would be best - either a week or two before FMH 2015 is released, a week or two after, or around the same time. I'll leave that to others to figure out.

I know you guys are nothing to do with FMC, but I think that the guys in charge of Football Manager for the PS Vita should also consider an equivalent deal with Sony to be involved in the Instant Game Collection on the PlayStation Plus service when FMC 2015 is close to release. Just a thought.

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  • SI Staff

I don't decide these things but in my personal opinion it's highly unlikely we would ever do anything similar, anecdotal evidence from other companies suggests that free app promotions result in more costs through increased support etc than they generate in long-term revenue.

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