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7 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Portsmouth (single plyr)/Wanderers FC (multi)

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  1. I'm playing a multiplayer game with a friend. I'm more of a consistent tactician, he's more of a tinkerer, so between us most bases covered. What unites us is an inability, even when we're running away with the league, to beat teams at the bottom of the division. Anecdotally we both felt these games were _always_ banana peels, and so I started monitoring it. Even as a top four Premier League side, no matter how long a winning streak I'm on, _every time_ I play a side in the bottom three I struggle; a smattering of draws but usually I lose these games. I haven't won one since I started monitoring. I'm becoming really frustrated with what's happening. I've tried tweaking tactics, bringing in fresh players, all to no avail. I feel like there's a complacency mechanic or something behind the scenes, and I haven't got a clue how to combat it. Obviously as with real life, being an FM manager means ups and downs, but losing yet again to a side that hasn't collected a point in eleven games is starting to take some of the fun out of it. I'm certain it's not chance; there's a game mechanic I'm being beaten by. On the flip side, I will not infrequently beat big clubs (Arsenal, Man City etc) by five goals. Feels like the same mechanic but flipped. Any advice?
  2. Interestingly, on my game (host) the two recreated clubs show as extant teams, on the guest's they show as "no longer exists", when you look at the FA Cup history
  3. ... or not, played on for three days (taking in two matches) in in-game time before it crashed again
  4. In exciting news, the save now works again. I played on solo, controlling both managers until Jan 1st, and when we tested, the guest player now has no issues with accessing the inbox. Couple of things to note, other than the standard passing of time? Qatar World Cup has passed. Inbox has refreshed. Not sure how, or why, but great news
  5. In exciting news, the save now works again. I played on solo, controlling both managers until Jan 1st, and when we tested, the guest player now has no issues with accessing the inbox. Couple of things to note, other than the standard passing of time? Qatar World Cup has passed. Inbox has refreshed. Not sure how, or why, but great news
  6. The edited database is based on the original, and there have been two updates since I believe. Nothing obvious triggered it, no.
  7. I had a post in the bug forums relating to a multiplayer save using an edited database I created (reformed two 'extinct' clubs, and added players/staff etc). SI seems to have located the issue causing my multiplayer save to crash. Only happens when second player is remote, if controlling both managers off one PC then not an issue. Also issue only appeared after 1.5 seasons, no problems hitherto. Does anyone here know if this save is salvageable? Presumably editing the database itself won't work, I'll need to fix the save file. The official in-game editor seems very limited. Are there third-party tools that could do the trick? Huge thanks in advance to anyone who can suggest a way.
  8. Hi @Neil Brock, any joy from your investigations (either as to identifying the cause, or even better, a resolution)? Is there anything else we can provide to aid you?
  9. Will start by saying I have followed the steps in @Neil Brock's sticky post on crashes (i.e. submit a ticket to SEGA), and in reply got told by SEGA that they don't deal with Football Manager, and to post on the forums here. 2-Player network game, via Steam Both using Windows machines The in-game date when the crash occurred: 8 Nov 2022 (no holiday etc taken, have played with no issues for 1.5 seasons) Have used both the in-game (adjust CA, PA, and stats for youth players not reflected accurately in game) and pre-game editor (create two clubs with playing squads) Both using common/popular logo and facepacks, no other skins (though both since removed, and crash still occurring). Whenever the guest player clicks to access his inbox, he drops from the game. The host occurs no issues and is able to continue the game date. If the guest player rejoins the game, the same issue occurs whenever he attempts to access the inbox. Host has tried taking control of the guest manager, and is able to access and read all messages in the inbox without any issue. None appear corrupted, and none were mandatory response required. Issue has not been encountered until this date, but has abruptly been an issue over the last one or two in-game days (have tried moving the game on to see if issue disappears, without any success). Issue therefore renders the game unplayable. Delete Cache and Preferences and Verify Game Files actions both completed. Save game uploaded to OwnCloud ("Wanderers - Multi.fm"). Crash dump from guest player is attached. 2e6c00d8-792f-4f58-b3ec-9bee265f71d8.dmp
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