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Change colour/icon of Role/Extra Information buttons on tactics pitch


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Is it possible to change the colour of these icons? Something happened and it switched the icons to red and I can't figure out what I did or replicate the issue. I've checked every tactic related panel and can't find anything related to it.

Any help would be appreciated.


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@ChainsXV If you haven't edited anything then first try reloading your skin to refresh the cache files or try manually deleting your cache files, as when the cache gets corrupted the game can sometimes stop recolouring stuff as it should.

If you have been editing the files (or if someone else wants to know as the location is fairly well hidden) then by default they are controlled by a couple of locations.

First by default they are controlled by the xml files found with the button graphics, these are located in the \graphics\buttons\custom\tactics\pitch switch\ folder for the skin you are using, inside that will be several subfolders and inside each of them will be various xml files - these control each bit of the button and each state, inside each of these files should be the following code:

<record id="primary_icon_properties" red_replacement="white" />
<record id="secondary_icon_properties" red_replacement="white"/>

If the code isn't present then just paste it into the file above the </properties> code at the bottom of the file. To change the colour just change the colour name to another colour.

The other place the colours might be controlled (especially if the skinner removed the colours from the above files) is in the pitch with tactics xml file found in the panels/widgets folder for your skin. In that file will be three sets of code that look like this;

<widget class="radio_button" show_button_appearance="true" appearance="buttons/custom/tactics/pitch switch/left/button" icon="" icon_alignment="right" secondary_icon_enabled="true" secondary_icon="icons/custom/tactics/pitch switch/role" secondary_icon_alignment="centre" id="rldt" height="30" width="35" click_event="RLDT">
<translation id="hint" translation_id="383639" type="use" value="Show Role and Duty[COMMENT: hint for a radio button to toggle showing role and duty on the tactics pitch]" />

You should then just be able to add an extra line to recolour the icons;

<widget class="radio_button" show_button_appearance="true" appearance="buttons/custom/tactics/pitch switch/left/button" icon="" icon_alignment="right" secondary_icon_enabled="true" secondary_icon="icons/custom/tactics/pitch switch/role" secondary_icon_alignment="centre" id="rldt" height="30" width="35" click_event="RLDT">
<translation id="hint" translation_id="383639" type="use" value="Show Role and Duty[COMMENT: hint for a radio button to toggle showing role and duty on the tactics pitch]" />

<record id="secondary_icon_properties" red_replacement="green a400" />

Again changing the colour to what you want also the code for each is slightly different, so don't copy/paste the code, just paste in the additional highlighted line. Also the code in this file takes priority over the colour set in the button files, so I'd say it's better to set the colour here (if you are editing a skin on purpose) as it's an easier thing to find later. (Though it may just be me that hates having the colours declared in the graphic folders :().

If none of that works then check with the person who made the skin as they have likely changed something else.

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Thanks, figured it out with your button xml edit. I accidentally put a button.xml file from a different menu in there, and it was missing the red_replacement. It works now. 


Thank you for all the help you give on these forums man.

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