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Youth policy and most improved award types bugs


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I created some awards for a custom competition I made and had encountered a problem when testing the game.

Apparently, the award for "youth policy" awarded to a club and the award for "most improved" awarded to a player do not appear in the awards section for that respective competition (although the "most improved" awarded to a club does appear).

Also previously, I made an award with recipient type "rookie player" which also did not end up showing up in the awards drop-down menu in the game.

Does anyone have any idea what is the cause of this?

Later edit: There's another curious thing. I made a Vaduz-based team in my competition and it appears to be hard-coded, that since it's the Liechtenstein team with the largest reputation (or maybe something else, but that's my guess, anyway) it always plays in Europa League, irrespective of occupying a UCL, EL or no spot at all. Even more absurd is that when the competition places for EL reaches 5 (previous winner, + FA cup winner, + 3 other spots) one gets bumped to next year because of the Liechtenstein team's participation (or that's what I imagine, anyway), basically amounting to a rain-check (you win FA Cup this season, after the next season you'll participate in EL).

I find this really peculiar and am wondering if there's anything that can be done about it (hopefully about avoiding the Liechtenstein team taking a non-comp always EL spot).

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