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Brand new site: Football Manager Training

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Hi all,

I've recently started a new FM site.

The idea of it is to give a complete guide to the game, with in-depth descriptions of player/coach/scout attributes, game concepts and everything you might find in an instruction manual (but much more descriptive than the official one) but also hints and tips, custom training regimes, scouting filters, match tactics, career blogs and an "ask the experts" Q&A.

It's still very early days and needs a LOT of work, and I'm aware that the site "skin" I chose to get started with is hideously ugly and will be changing it soon, but from the little bits I've done so far, you'll get the idea of what I plan to do with it.

Open to suggestions for other things to include.

I'd like to find some FM experts to be content writers for it, and also any "hardcore" FM addicts that would like to blog their progress from their FM careers, so if anyone's interested please let me know. I'm a poor starving unemployed Music Technology graduate so I can't afford to pay anyone for their content but if anyone wants to do it for the fun and to help the FM community, please get in touch.

Here's the address... http://www.footballmanagertraining.com

Please be kind. ;)

edit: oh, I should mention, I started this site before FM11 came out, so all the info on there at the moment is based on FM10. I do plan to have different sections for each version of FM as they are released, so that it's easy to find the info that's relevant to the version you're playing, but as you can see I haven't got round to that yet.

Best regards,


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