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Posts posted by rimisark

  1. 3 hours ago, XaW said:

    It looks good and many useful new features, but I'm still a bit underwhelmed. I had hoped for a couple of things more, though I understand it might be hard to implement. I would like to see more "transitional" instructions. For instance when the team loses possession do <something>, when the team regain possession in advanced areas do <something>. This would allow us to give more tactical instructions as to how the transitional phases were to be executed. Like gegenpress. If the team loses possession full on pressing for a short while, if unsuccessful then fall back into deeper positions. Or more detailed counterattacking options. If we are getting the ball in advanced areas everyone in wide areas bomb forward to create space for a cross to our big target man.

    As I stated, I get it might be hard to do, but it would give a more realistic approach to tactics, or at least the transitional phases of the play. This is, at least for me, the most lacking aspect of tactics for the moment. I'm still looking forward to play, don't get me wrong, I was just hoping for this to be implemented.

    Really like this. Could you raise it in the Feature Requests Forum? Thanks.

  2. Thank you for your time to explain all of this. I'm fan of this style, even nowadays is it hard for me to play with strikers and wide players :D Often checks Guido's blog for new articles. PPM could be vital for Shadow strikers, but on this version I have big problem, players always failed at the end to teach some of them, examples - gets in opposition area or try to beat offside trap. Do you have similar experience?

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