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Brick Top

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Everything posted by Brick Top

  1. During a game when no highlights are occurring and you get the player shirt graphics with rating and fitness, the fitness doesn't always update. The players appear fully fit but when you click on tactics you get the true reflection of their fitness which is much lower. Once you come out of tactics the previous graphic then updates. This has been the case pre and post update, screenshots uploaded
  2. As above, since the patch I now only get a blank page where previously my team and penalty attributes were. This happens when a game goes to a penalty shootout and has now happened twice consecutively. I either have to ask my assistant to pick or select from the add player button, but I cannot view attributes using either of these options.
  3. This is still the same unfortunately even after the update, how can something so blatant be missed?
  4. I cannot view people on my shortlist, they’re on there as when I click random places their profiles open up, however it’s as if the text is the same colour as the background
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