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  1. 关于新引擎FM20025的个人建议 Personal suggestions for the new engine FM20025
  2. I sincerely hope that the official can see the reply, recently in review of a previous game called FIFA football manager 2014, his 3D football picture is very attractive, and then the money earned inside is not useless, can be used to get married, buy real estate to buy sports cars to train children, etc., I hope FM2025 can absorb some of his advantages, strengthen the picture, For example, there are more obvious fancy moves such as Marseilles, such as making money available, being able to marry and have children, raising children to become football stars, imagine, in a team for 20 years, your son grows up, use your son as a striker, he becomes a world star, you become a world famous handsome man, with the news report, it is invincible, If 2025 can achieve the picture fancy action is obvious, the money is used to buy a house, get married, buy a car, train children, more than one, like Mbappe brothers, father and son in the game multiple people fight together, win a variety of champions, one thousand dollars I also buy it. On the use of money and the training of children, there will certainly be some players like, some players do not like to feel deviated from the theme of football, then I suggest that you can choose to switch this real personal life function before the game starts, similar to the current database, so that people can have a choice rather than mandatory, you do not play can not open, but for people who want to play is a highlight. In this way, the contradiction between different plays is resolved. Or make it into a paid dlc, does not affect the original game function, pure is the additional function of the right, but also hope to increase the function of the stadium design, at the same time, there is feedback in the game screen, such as the design of the inside of the locker room, seat graphics, stadium side to add tifo, team banners, fans put out the team emblem, so that people can see the changes they have made. Enhance the sense of substitution. It is also hoped that there will be a function of building a sculpture similar to the existing stadium name, as a reward to the outstanding coach who has been in the team for a long time, like the real Arsenal Wenger undefeated season sculpture, to enhance the sense of engagement, achievement, and belonging to the team. I hope FM2025 will be better and become the world's best football management game in history and continue to develop 真心希望官方能够看到回复,最近在回顾以前一款叫做FIFA足球经理2014的游戏,他的3D足球画面很吸引人,然后里面挣的钱不是没用的,是可以用来结婚购置房产买跑车培养孩子等,我希望FM2025可以吸收借鉴他的一些优势,加强画面,比如出现马赛回旋等更明显的花式动作,比如将钱变为可用,能够结婚生子,培养孩子成为足球巨星,想象一下,在一个球队干了二十年,自己的儿子长大了,用儿子做前锋,他成为世界巨星,你成了世界名帅,配上新闻报道,简直无敌,如果2025能实现画面花式动作明显,钱用来买房,结婚,买车,培养孩子,还不止一个,像姆巴佩兄弟,游戏中父子多人共同征战,拿下各种冠军,一千块我也买爆好吧。 关于金钱使用和培养孩子的部分,肯定会是有的玩家喜欢,有的玩家不喜欢觉得偏离足球主题,那么我建议可以在游戏开始前选择开关这个真实个人生活的功能,类似现在的数据库,这样就可以让人有选择而不是强制了,你不玩可以不开,但是对于想玩的人却是一种亮点,这样就化解了不同玩法的矛盾。或者做成收费的dlc,不影响本来的游戏功能,纯纯就是附加功能了 对了,还希望增加球场设计的功能,同时在游戏画面中有反馈,比如设计更衣室内部,座位图形,球场边添加tifo,球队横幅,球迷摆出队徽,让人看出自己做的改变,增强代入感。 还希望有个类似现有球场命名的建立雕塑的功能,作为给长久在一个球队的功 勋卓著的教练的奖励,像现实里的阿森纳的温格不败赛季雕塑一样,增强代入感,成就感,和对球队的归属感。 希望FM2025会变得更好,成为划历史的世上最好足球经营游戏并一直发展下去
  3. 真心希望官方能够看到回复,最近在回顾以前一款叫做FIFA足球经理2014的游戏,他的3D足球画面很吸引人,然后里面挣的钱不是没用的,是可以用来结婚购置房产买跑车培养孩子等,我希望FM2025可以吸收借鉴他的一些优势,加强画面,比如出现马赛回旋等更明显的花式动作,比如将钱变为可用,能够结婚生子,培养孩子成为足球巨星,想象一下,在一个球队干了二十年,自己的儿子长大了,用儿子做前锋,他成为世界巨星,你成了世界名帅,配上新闻报道,简直无敌,如果2025能实现画面花式动作明显,钱用来买房,结婚,买车,培养孩子,还不止一个,像姆巴佩兄弟,游戏中父子多人共同征战,拿下各种冠军,一千块我也买爆好吧。 关于金钱使用和培养孩子的部分,肯定会是有的玩家喜欢,有的玩家不喜欢觉得偏离足球主题,那么我建议可以在游戏开始前选择开关这个真实个人生活的功能,类似现在的数据库,这样就可以让人有选择而不是强制了,你不玩可以不开,但是对于想玩的人却是一种亮点,这样就化解了不同玩法的矛盾。或者做成收费的dlc,不影响本来的游戏功能,纯纯就是附加功能了 对了,还希望增加球场设计的功能,同时在游戏画面中有反馈,比如设计更衣室内部,座位图形,球场边添加tifo,球队横幅,球迷摆出队徽,让人看出自己做的改变,增强代入感。 还希望有个类似现有球场命名的建立雕塑的功能,作为给长久在一个球队的功勋卓著的教练的奖励,像现实里的阿森纳的温格不败赛季雕塑一样,增强代入感,成就感,和对球队的归属感。 希望FM2025会变得更好,成为划历史的世上最好足球经营游戏并一直发展下去 I sincerely hope that the official can see the reply, recently in review of a previous game called FIFA football manager 2014, his 3D football picture is very attractive, and then the money earned inside is not useless, can be used to get married, buy real estate to buy sports cars to train children, etc., I hope FM2025 can absorb some of his advantages, strengthen the picture, For example, there are more obvious fancy moves such as Marseilles, such as making money available, being able to marry and have children, raising children to become football stars, imagine, in a team for 20 years, your son grows up, use your son as a striker, he becomes a world star, you become a world famous handsome man, with the news report, it is invincible, If 2025 can achieve the picture fancy action is obvious, the money is used to buy a house, get married, buy a car, train children, more than one, like Mbappe brothers, father and son in the game multiple people fight together, win a variety of champions, one thousand dollars I also buy it. On the use of money and the training of children, there will certainly be some players like, some players do not like to feel deviated from the theme of football, then I suggest that you can choose to switch this real personal life function before the game starts, similar to the current database, so that people can have a choice rather than mandatory, you do not play can not open, but for people who want to play is a highlight. In this way, the contradiction between different plays is resolved. Or make it into a paid dlc, does not affect the original game function, pure is the additional function of the right, but also hope to increase the function of the stadium design, at the same time, there is feedback in the game screen, such as the design of the inside of the locker room, seat graphics, stadium side to add tifo, team banners, fans put out the team emblem, so that people can see the changes they have made. Enhance the sense of substitution. It is also hoped that there will be a function of building a sculpture similar to the existing stadium name, as a reward to the outstanding coach who has been in the team for a long time, like the real Arsenal Wenger undefeated season sculpture, to enhance the sense of engagement, achievement, and belonging to the team. I hope FM2025 will be better and become the world's best football management game in history and continue to develop
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