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Everything posted by mrbarabbas

  1. Yes, but what about record data? I tried to create a new player and add its first and last name by using uid=1. When I imported the generated XML file, a new player was created but the changes in its data were not imported correctly (and I think the problem is about the used db_unique_id). Attached is the generated XML file. test-import_player.xml
  2. Hi @krlenjushka. Well, I have supposed that using real ids would overwrite real persons. Probably my supposition is wrong, isn't it?
  3. Hi, I'm trying to create an Excel file, which generates an XML file, to create new players. Unfortunately, I'm facing some problems with the newly generated db_unique_id values. In your opinion and experience, how can I create an acceptable db_unique_id without knowing the first available ID? For example, now, the first available db_unique_id is 2002042188. Assuming that I do not know this value, do you think there is a way to get it without using the game editor? Thank you!
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