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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Ok so I figured it out with my big brain lol How can I make the polygon to look like default?
  2. How? Hehe Or easier.. I right now use a skin, what should I search for in order to change color of it or size? I think I found it: <!-- Scale the polygon to fit the widget and draw it in code --> <boolean id="scale_picture" value="true" /> <!-- First layer colour--> <record id="line_style"> <colour id="colour" red="42" green="183" blue="156" alpha="255" /> <real id="width" value="2" /> <integer id="alpha" value="100" /> </record> <!-- Second layer colour--> <record id="second_colour"> <colour id="colour" name="fg accent" /> <real id="width" value="2" /> </record> <!-- Radial lines dividing each segment --> <record id="segment_divider_line_props"> <colour id="colour" red="100" green="100" blue="60" alpha="10" /> <real id="width" value="1.5" /> </record> <!-- Style of the line around the edge of the polygon --> <record id="polygon_edge_props"> <colour id="colour" name="text" /> <real id="width" value="0.8" /> </record> <!-- Colours (and number) of the concentric polygon rings --> <list id="ring_colours"> <colour red="100" green="100" blue="120" alpha="100"/> <colour red="100" green="100" blue="120" alpha="85"/> <colour red="100" green="100" blue="120" alpha="70"/> <colour red="100" green="100" blue="120" alpha="55"/> <colour red="100" green="100" blue="120" alpha="40"/> </list> but which one i dont know hehe
  3. I wish to increase the size of the attribute polygon, how do I do this?
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