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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Hi, I just registered to write here, because I spend a lot of time on your game. Way too much actually haha. I have one main request that I think would make the whole experience way more appealing for many players: a revamp of the trophy cabinet and history with added stats, facts from the previous seasons. I am thinking a different UI for this, where maybe we would actually see the actual trophies? For example, I am always amazed to see how they write the name of the winner of the CL on the cup at the end of the final, it just feels real. There is so little remaining from past achievements, anything fancier and deeper would elevate the whole experience imo. As a player you want to grow nostalgic with the career you are having. Expanding the data/stats and what is kept across seasons would also help. It's a bit abstract but maybe it will be valuable for you. The game is great and incredibly addictive 😃
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