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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I so thought this was gonna work this time honestly. Other than the 2nd div teams not being able to select squads (like you said), it also keeps coming back with 'The number of dates set in stage 0 of the competition is 0 but should be equal to 5' in regards to the cup competition. This is despite me going through every relevant date section and not seeing anything out of place. I stg I owe you a beer or something if this ever ends up working lmao Essexia v.0.2.fmf
  2. Hi, first of all thank you so so much for trying to help me with this. I get this takes a lot of time, and it must be frustrating to deal with newbies like me lol. I've implemented all of the changes you recommended, and did it carefully and chronologically. I even used some of the advice to edit the other competitions to make them work better. However, despite all of this, the main domestic cup still refuses to implement into the game. It recognises the ID because the logo appears for it in clubs' history sections (I understand you won't be able to see this specific example as I haven't provided the graphics), however you cannot search for the cup in the game, it doesn't even show up under the nation's competitions. For all intents and purposes, the game doesn't believe that the competition exists. However I don't see the issue in the editor that causes this. Maybe it is something to do with the years? But I can't see how. I've attached the updated game file - if you could take one more look I would hugely hugely appreciate it. I know you don't owe me anything, but I'm learning a lot as I work on this and I really don't think I'm gonna be able to fix this comp on my own lol. Thanks Essexia v.0.2.fmf
  3. For a number of months I've been working on a custom nation with a friend. I've been able to work through basically every issue, but the biggest problem I've been faced with now for a couple weeks is the domestic cup not working. I don't know if it's an issue with it's structure or something else, but it refuses to show up as a functioning competition when I play test the game. If anyone could help I'd hugely appreciate it. p.s. as a side note I've also been struggling a little with the European qualifications from the league, but I think it's perhaps an issue with me using FM21 and not understanding fully what I need to do. I'll probably get there eventually through trial and error. Essexia v.0.1.2.fmf
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