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Everything posted by Scotty84

  1. It's not cause of an fm23 save as it happened to me as well, I like changing my appearance for whatever club I manage and it doesn't save your new appearance
  2. Hey I was wondering see on the tactics screen on PC they have analysis and it shows you the coverage of your positions on a heat map. Does console have that and if so where do you find it?
  3. Anytime I apply for a new job it says I'm good enough but due to my lack of importance to set pieces I don't get it, Anyone know how to improve this? Is it training or setting up your drills?
  4. Yes totally agree, they need to stop treating the console version like a dumbed down version. Not everyone can get a gaming PC that's capable of running it. Give all fans of the game the full experience. The next gen consoles are probably better more equipped than some PC and laptops but we don't get the full experience. At least give us the option of full version or current console.
  5. I would love to see PC features come to console as for me that's half the fun in building your team, hiring all the different staff instead of the key one's, setting up the training, tactical familiarity basically everything the pc version has, I'm positive these next gen consoles could handle it. The game is compatible with a mouse and keyboard which is great and makes playing it very easy instead of clunky button pressing just unfortunate we can't get an editor. But yeah full version would be great for console
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